10 Self-Care Tips For A Healthier Life At Home

10 Self-Care Tips For A Healthier Life At Home

While the world outside your home is largely out of your control, it’s very important to take care of you and your families health, now more than ever. Start by adopting healthy habits and by taking time for yourself each day, even if it’s just 10 minutes to reset. While this list just scratches the surface of self-care and health tips, here’s 10 ways to take care of yourself at home.

1. Learn to cook – Cooking your own meals is an essential life skill that we all should master. While fast food and convenience is all too common in our modern life, now’s the perfect time to step into the kitchen. Cooking at home is not only more economical but it can be much healthier since you have complete control over the ingredients that go into your meals. Involve the whole family by teaching your children to cook as well. Why not institute one night a week where your kids cook the family a meal from start to finish? Or at least one day a week where you try new vegan or vegetarian recipes? There are tons of free resources online with delicious and nutritious recipes, including some immune boosting Hawaiian Spirulina recipes found on our website and Pinterest board.

2. Curate what types of media you take in – We have access to the news 24/7 online, via our phones, and TVs. How is what you’re listening to or watching making you feel? Do you walk away defeated with despair or inspired and encouraged? It’s so important that we protect what we let into our homes and minds with the never-ending news cycle. Try listening to an uplifting podcast or read a good book instead.

3. Connect – Even though it may not always be possible to meet with family and friends we can still connect with the ones we love. Try a video call with your family and friends: it creates a much more personal connection to see a familiar face, even if it’s online, than just a text. But of course, if a text is what’s possible for you, please send it. A little reminder that our loved ones are thinking of us can make anyone’s day.

4. Service to Others - On a similar note, who else can you check in on? Are there elderly neighbors or people you know that live alone? Delivering their groceries or prescriptions, taking their trash to the disposal, walking their dog, or just a phone call to check in are some options. Service to others not only benefits who you serve but it’s proven to help boost your mood as well.

5. Declutter - Clean your home and clean out your car. The saying that “a cluttered home/environment leads to a cluttered mind” rings true. Make space for the new by simplifying what you own and have in your environment. Take the things you don’t need to a charity or donation center or offer it up to friends.

6. Meditate – If you don’t have a meditation practice, now is the time to start. If you don’t know where to begin, try different apps or Youtube videos to help guide you. Start with just 5 to 10 minutes a day if that’s all you can find, even if you have to wake up a bit before the kids. A 10-minute mediation session is a peaceful way to start and/or end the day and can help with anxiety and stress. Also, don’t forget to breathe.

7. Move your body – Exercise is so important for health and is an excellent way to boost your mood and de-stress. Yoga, walking, body weight exercises, and even dancing are all forms of movement that you can do at home. Part of taking care of your body is taking care of your joints and helping yourself recover well. JointAstin is formulated with nourishing joint health ingredients including 12mg of Hawaiian Astaxanthin per serving.

8. Create – Get back to what you are passionate about or if you’re not sure what your passion is, try new things. Paint, draw, sew, write, color, read, or try learning a new skill. Whatever draws your creative interest, go with it.

9. Watch a great movie – Sometimes we just need to zone out, relax, and turn our brains off. There is so much access to streaming movies and TV series these days that you can take your pick of any kind of genre you can imagine. A funny or romantic movie is a great way to lift your mood and spirit!

10. Plant a garden – Getting outside and working in the dirt can be extremely calming and therapeutic. Even if you live in an apartment and don’t have much outdoor space to work with, a little herb garden in some pots will work. Knowing where your food comes from and helping grow it yourself means fresher and healthier, plant-powered meals. If you’re able to get outside for a bit of sun, you’ll reap the immune benefits that come from sunlight and your body producing vitamin D. Make sure you’re taking BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin as one form of sun protection since BioAstin is shown to help support the skin from UV rays.*

    Remember, self-care isn’t selfish. Focusing on what makes us feel good and what nourishing our mind, body, and soul can help provide for a more stable foundation, even in challenging times.