August 2024

It’s that time again when back-to-school health becomes a top family priority.  Here are some health tips for your young students, and young athletes:


A phrase I want you to remember to help young students is: “Eye feel good!”  Today’s students spend lots of time learning on computers.  Yet, gazing at computer screens all day long can lead to eye fatigue and reduced learning.

One of my top health mantras is: “Every organ of your body is only as healthy as the blood flow to it.”  Better blood flow, better organ health.  This is especially true of the eyes.  The retina of your eyes is richly supplied with blood vessels to nourish the hardworking and long-focusing retinal tissue.  When searching through the scientific literature for nutrients to help protect this retinal tissue by increasing blood flow to it, I came across a Japanese study showing that astaxanthin could be labeled a “see” food.  I enjoy when science and common sense blend.  Since the retinal tissue of the eye is a hypermetabolizer (aka “produces a lot of oxidants”) and astaxanthin is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, astaxanthin is good for eye health.  (See references below.) 


Besides the eye strain in young students, muscle strain in young athletes is very common.

Oftentimes students spend most of the day in class followed by vigorous after-school sports programs.  Since the bodies of young students and young athletes are prone to more oxidation and inflammation, naturally they need to eat more “colorful” foods – and it’s the antioxidants in those foods that give them their color.  So, besides the red of Hawaiian Astaxanthin, enjoy a green food that is high in antioxidants – Hawaiian Spirulina.  Enjoy adding a teaspoon of Hawaiian Spirulina to your child’s morning smoothie. 

In a nutshell, send your young student and young athlete off to school with more colorful foods.

Homework.  To learn more back-to-school heath tips to “preload” your child for a healthier learning and athletic experience, see the following references: 

  • Bill’s Healthy Immune System Tips for Back to School (found at
  • Bill’s Favorite Smart and Healthy Back-to-School Tips (found at
  • Search and download a free and funny read: My Big Green Smoothie, The Story of Spirulina – Nature’s Superfood, by William Sears, M.D. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Consult your healthcare provider before starting a new diet, exercise, or health program.  Results may vary. 

Dr. Sears is a Nutrex-Hawaii ambassador. 



Dr. Bill Sears has been practicing medicine for over 40 years. He received his medical degree from St. Louis University and medical training at Harvard University, the University of Toronto and the National Institute of Health. Dr. Sears has been a clinical professor at the University of South Carolina, University of Southern California School of Medicine and University of Irvine School of Medicine.

Dr. Sears is the author of 45 books including nutrition and wellness titles, including The T5 Wellness Plan, Prime-Time Health, The Family Nutrition Book, The Omega-3 Effect, The Inflammation SolutionThe Healthy Pregnancy Book, The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood, L.E.A.N. Kids, among others. He has spoken at numerous scientific conferences all over the world and has successfully motivated others to make positive health behavior changes through practical applications of simple and science-based strategies. Dr. Sears has been featured on 20/20, Dateline, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, PBS, CNN, Dr. Phil, The Doctors, and Oprah.