I owe much of my good health, as do my family and patients, to starting most days with a multi-nutrient smoothie.
Why do we call it a “smoothie”? Because it “smooths” the metabolism throughout your body, giving you good gut feelings.
We all want to feel good. Feeling good begins in your brain. Your brain is a “sugar hog,” utilizing most of the carbs you eat, even though your brain is only around one percent of your body weight. Feeling good begins with balancing your blood sugar. When your blood sugar is steady, you feel “steady”- not the high and low feelings caused from your blood sugar going up and down.
Years ago, I noticed how much better I felt, and how much more energy I enjoyed, during my days of sipping on my supersmart smoothie. The medical detective in me needed to know the “why” behind the “what” I felt. So, I measured my blood sugar every two hours during the day. Wow! My blood sugar was the most stable on my smoothie-drinking days.
Avoid “blood sugar spikes” and “keep your blood sugar steady” are two important health-promoting mantras that I give persons at all ages. Remember, balance your blood sugar, balance your brain.

Sipping slowly, not gulping fast, your smoothie and letting it linger a few seconds in your mouth allows you to enjoy the savory mouthfeel and triggers your tastebuds and the taste center in your brain to “like!”
Aim for making healthy proteins 20-25 percent of your smoothie calories. Protein enjoys a perk called high satiety factor. Translation: you feel fuller faster and stay satisfied longer.
My big green smoothie. My favorite source of plant protein for smoothies is Hawaiian spirulina. I still remember my eye-opening and mouth-watering experience when I visited the Big Island of Hawaii and saw the big green lakes where they grow Hawaiian spirulina. Since “nurtured by nature” is one of my top tips for selecting a supplement, exploring those green lakes of Hawaiian spirulina taught me why spirulina is called “nature’s superfood supplement.” Enjoy your big green smoothie powered by Hawaiian Spirulina®!
Homework: to learn more about why spirulina is one of the healthiest and most digestible proteins see AskDrSears.com/spirulina. Want some family fun? While you’re on our spirulina page, download the picture booklet: “My Big Green Smoothie.”

Your gut-brain – appropriately called “the second brain” – will love the sipping solution to avoid the three “tions”: indigestion, inflammation and constipation. Blended food travels faster through the intestines. Picture your gut-brain texting your head-brain: “Keep drinking your daily smoothie. That blended food makes our job ‘smoother’ down here.” A patient suffering from gut issues once told me: “Dr. Bill, my smoothie is my soothie.”
Enjoy your feel-good effects of a daily supersmart smoothie!
- Dr. Bill
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
Consult your healthcare provider before starting a new diet, exercise, or health program. Results may vary.
Dr. Sears is a Nutrex-Hawaii ambassador.